Saturday, October 08, 2005

"Kahuna" aka Homail Beta Pictures

Enjoy the pictures of the new hotmail below and welcome to all Digg users. The new hotmail is meant to compete with Gmail directly and claims to have even better spam protection. The beta is still largely private, mostly Microsoft employees, and in my humble opinion if it's going to compete with Gmail it still has a long way to go. I will say this, it is very stable and for additional email to backup a primary email it could be a good choice. Read on and comment if you feel the need.

The new Today screen is pretty bare mainly becuase I am sure it will be the last thing the development team works on.

Picture 1

The vertical design is a nice break from Gmail and the preview pane is an obvious pull from Microsoft Office directly.

Picture 2

The Menu to the right is very similar to what Gmail has already in place.

Picture 3

The Calender options are not very improved over the existing calender options in the current version of Hotmail.

Picture 4

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