Thursday, June 30, 2005

Blogburst: Death to the ACLU

This article comes from ChronWatch and deals with the recent rulings by the United States Supreme Court. A thread titled "Freedom of Religion in America: Adieu!" Big Hat-tip to Gribbit

Freedom of Religion in America: Adieu!

Written by Lee Ellis
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A few days ago, the majority of the Supreme Court ruled as if it were using the Constitution of France instead of the Constitution of the USA. The French Constitution states that its nation is a secular one, while our Constitution states that we are a nation under God. One would not know this if the majority of the Supreme Court today is to be believed.

Mark Levin states in his book, Men in Black, “Chief Justice William Rehnquist has written that the Court ‘bristles with hostility to all things religious in public life.’” Based on a misreading of Thomas Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists, the Court has propounded and expanded the concept of a ‘wall of separation’ between church and state.

The framers of the Constitution wanted to ensure that all Americans could worship freely, without religious persecution. So they prohibited the federal government from ‘establishing a religion’ and equally prohibiting it from ‘interfering with the people’s free expression of their religion.’

States, however, were permitted to have established churches (the Puritans were the officially established church in Massachusetts.). Even two of the most secular framers, Madison and Jefferson, appreciated the role of religion in the public life of the United States. Jefferson himself wrote, in the Declaration of Independence, that our liberty is not endowed by states or governments, but by God.

President George Washington established Thanksgiving Day as a day of prayer to God. And it was not until 1897 that the Congress decided to stop appropriating money for education at religious schools.

In that now-famous letter, Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptists that the U.S. legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting free exercise of, thus building a wall of separation between church and state.” Interestingly, a mere two days after writing this letter, Jefferson participated in church services held in the House of Representatives.

Yet liberal judges have seized on this image of a wall of separation, and are waging a war on religious freedom in our country.

Now the Socialist movement, the ACLU, and other liberal organizations (some with “Mom and Apple Pie” names to fool its readers, its fiscal donators and the country) have been partly successful in its efforts to drive the Judeo-Christian religion out America. The secularists have not failed in making most of Europe and Canada almost wholly secular and they are working hard to do this to America.


They have crammed our courts with liberal legislative judges as replacements for Constitutional judges, and now their representatives in Congress have filibustered to keep President Bush from appointing a majority of Constitutional federal judges. Finally, the ACLU has tried to eliminate any mention of “GOD” from all public places. I don’t think that the word, “God” is a symbol of any one particular denomination or denotes any one specific religion, do you? So why do they act as if it does?

Apparently, the ACLU has forgotten that the founders were only afraid of a federally-owned religion ruled by a King or a President, not by free religious bodies governed by themselves.

In addition, the secularists have convinced enough people that they cannot offend any minority; they must all be “politically correct.” They accuse the majority of “trampling” on minority rights. What about the rights of the religious majority? Is not the minority trampling on those? Do the atheists not offend those who believe in God when they try to eliminate Judeo-Christian religious symbols from all public arenas?

One of the most important causes for the Bush Administration and American voters is to get Congress to accept only Federal judges who believe in and will rule upon and in light of what is actually written in the Constitution of America, not that of France, nor any other document, nor of a personal letter written by an individual—whether he is Thomas Jefferson or not.

The ONLY way this will happen is if you elect a STRONG majority of conservatives to Congress in 2006 and 2008!

Fail this and bid welcome to a godless nation. Or prepare to bid Adieu (literally and ironically, “to God”) to any semblance of freedom of (not from) religion in America.

About the Writer: Lee Ellis is a retired journalist and a former vice president of both CBS and Gannet. He resides in Indio, California, where he writes op-eds that appear in several local newspapers. Lee receives e-mail at

We can take comfort in the fact that the judicial year is over for the United States Supreme Court and that the worst court in history is no longer seated in session. We can also hope that at least 2 are expected to retire prior to the beginning of the next judicial year.

This past week's rulings have been nothing less than invasive. The Eminent Domain ruling is hopefully going to backfire on at least 1 of the 9 Justices. An effort to seize Justice Souter's home in New Hampshire to build a Hotel is in the works. This is not a prank. It's a real project. A project that the Justice himself helped to make possible.

Who do we have to blame for the current illogical activities of the high court? The American Civil Liberties Union that's who. The ACLU's promotion of judicial activism has led the 9 Justices to unofficially declare themselves King by Committee of the United States.

How else can we describe them? The Justices have taken it upon themselves to ignore the very document that they are to judge the application of other laws by. Laws passed by the legitimate body to do such legislating, the United States Congress.

The Supreme Court has ruled that you can seize private property and turn it over to a private development company for the purpose of generating more revenue for the local government. This is the common good that the high court has seen fit to make legal something that is in direct contrast to the 5th Amendment to the Constitution.

The Supremes have taken it upon themselves to make law instead of judge law. Starting with Roe v Wade, the high court has chosen to ignore the Constitution. No law on the federal level was in question in Roe v Wade. A state law banning a medical procedure was at issue. The last time I checked, medical procedures are NOT covered by the Constitution at all. And the court's decision to even hear the case was a violation of the 10th Amendment.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” How can they forget that one? Think of all the Looney decisions that have come before the Supreme Court. How many of them actually contain violations of the Constitution? None of the religion challenges do.

Medical procedures aren't covered in the Constitution. And Congress hasn't attempted to pass a law forcing a national state run religion upon us. Did I miss an action by Congress? Have the legislators of this nation been corrupted by the Church of Scientology at the insistence of Tom Cruise? Did they pass a law stating that ALL Americans must convert to the Looney cult of Scientology? I don't think so.

But yet the Supremes have ruled consistently that a cross in public view and the 10 Commandments hanging on the wall violate the Establishment Clause. At what point was Congress involved with the 2 county courts in Kentucky? If they were, I didn't catch it.

The 1st Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." This Amendment doesn't say, Ohio shall make no law or California shall make no law, it says CONGRESS shall make no law.

It's time we take back our court. The Supreme Court is ours. We are the People in "WE The People of the United States..." It is time maybe to consider a Constitutional Amendment establishing a Term Limit for Supreme Court Justices. More to be released on this in a special upcoming posting. Stay tuned... you won't be disappointed.

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst! If you would like to join, it is very simple.

Go to our new portal at Protest The ACLU , click where it says "sign up now", and fill out a simple form. This will enable us to send you a weekly newsletter with information, and keep your email private. Current members, who have not registered, please do so. There are additional advantages and features that will be available for you can opt to use them, or not. Thank you!

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Blogger's 1st Amendment Pledge

If the FEC makes rules that limit my First Amendment right to express my opinion on core political issues, I will not obey those rules.

Irish Show Europe How It's Done, Once Again

Europe and this government could stand to learn a few things about fiscal responsibility and growing an economy from Ireland. The Irish have reformed their government from a full-blown tax and spend model to a business, education, and investment friendly country that now stands as the second richest nation in the European Union behind Luxembourg and one of the most educated countries in the world.

The Irish have made education for all citizens free, up to and including college. At the same time, they slashed corporate tax rates and began to actively seek out foreign investment. Meanwhile the old-school members of the EU such as France and Germany continue to languish with double-digit unemployment and stagnant economies. Ireland can now count among its largest employers such American companies as Dell and Intel.

It is well known how I feel about the President and the job he has been doing for the last 5 years but for those new to my site I will explain briefly. I support about 85% of what the President has done thus far but I have serious concerns about the immigration reforms that have been proposed as well as the way the government is spending our tax dollars. I have a great love for the Irish and damn it, if they can do it then we sure as hell can too. If our lawmakers sit up and take notice of what the Irish have done then I will be the first to raise a Black & Tan in their honor.

Al Jazeera Caves to Pressure and Decides Not To Help Terrorists, At Least This One Time

Yesterday the Intelligence arm of Al-Qaeda decided not to air a sixty-minute special about the poor state of security along the United States border between Arizona and Mexico. Why might you ask have they deiced against spreading this knowledge to the legions of murderous terrorists that seek the very destruction of our beloved country? The Minuteman Project once again came to the defense of Joe Citizen and through official channels including the United States State Department, managed to convince Al-Jazeera that airing the documentary and passing information to its terrorist masters was not in its best interests and more importantly, not in the best interests of the United States.

Now I know the leftists and all manners of socialists will be screaming about freedom of speech, freedom of the press and first amendment rights. Before they get their pink panties in a bunch consider the facts of the story. Al-Jazeera is a foreign news organization and not subject to the same benefits of an American citizen or news group and when it comes to matters of national security, sometimes, like in this case, any rights a foreign news group might have tend to be thrown out the window. In fact during WWII, under a Democrat administration no less, any foreign press that wished to transmit a story back home had to have a member of the Department of Defense approve the story and many times entire stories were scrapped in favor of national security. If a reporter had tried to report similar information during WWII, they were charged with spying and either thrown in jail for a very long time or in extreme cases, put to death.

If it comes to national security on one arm of the scale and the wants of a news group or reporter on the other, believe me, in my book national security wins each and every time. As a wise man once said, “Sometimes the needs of the many out weight the needs of the few or the one.” Amen and live long and prosper my wise friend.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Yeah, We Have Nothing To Fear From China

Recently the Pentagon released a report on the growing military buildup of China and boldly predicted that China most likely would invade Taiwan in the next two years. The United States has quite a few treaty obligations with Taiwan and other nations such as Japan and Australia in the event of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. I have previously stated my position on this subject, Taiwan is simply not worth a war with China, and nothing in the latest DOD report (not yet released to the public, link leads to Sec of Def preview of report) makes me even consider changing my mind on this subject. The Chinese have become the number one consumer of oil in the world and starting back in mid 1990’s they began an enormous military buildup to ensure that they would always have access to that resource as well as prepare for a conflict with the United States and others over Taiwan.

The Chinese have also been systematically working to obtain US military and industrial technology at any cost over the last 50 years but even more so since they were given a helping hand in the late 90’s by then President Clinton and his administration. The reports that a state-owned Chinese oil company wants to purchase Unocal and that another Chinese company has made a bid for Maytag coupled with this spring’s sale of IBM’s personal computing division to Lenovo Group certainly signals a willingness by the Chinese to put their money where their mouth is.

As great as this country is, faced with a militarily and economically hostile China we pale in comparison. Unfortunately, it really just comes down to a numbers game. I am not sure what the size of the Chinese standing army is but I would bet a large amount of good old American green that is several times larger then out regular and national guard units put together.

Now that I have laid out the “bad news”, you might be asking yourself what we should do. Well, I am going to suggest a few things that could help even the score. First thing we absolutely must do is convince the Chinese to loosen control over their currency and allow it move with the rest of the world’s currencies on the open market. Second, through our own fiscal policies we have to draw foreign investment to the United States just as the Chinese have been doing for the last 40 years. The American workforce is still the best in the world and if given the chance our industries will dominate the world market once more. Third, we must absolutely reduce our dependence on foreign oil and do whatever is needed to stimulate research and implementation of alternative fuels so that we remove oil from the list of things that could cause conflict between the United States and China. We must lead the world away from oil and diminish the power of Middle Eastern countries to dictate our foreign policy because the Chinese will certainly not take any crap from Saudi Arabia, Iran or Syria if it threatens their oil supply. Fourth, we must continue to develop and upgrade all of our weapons systems to try to offset the huge numeric advantage that China has.

If we make those efforts, the Chinese will be forced to continue and deal with us as an equal. However if they feel at any moment that we are inferior to them on any significant level then I am afraid there will be some rough times ahead for this country. The most important factor is that while we deal with other threats around the globe, we continue to press the Chinese for their involvement and not take our eyes off them. Remember the Chinese take the long view on everything they do, sometimes looking down the road decades in advance, and are an incredibly patient people. Well that is all for now, have a great day everyone. Check back during the day as I may be posting on a few other topics I have done a little research on.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Hillary Clinton: The New Poster Girl For Tolerance And Free Speech

Politicians from the beginning of time, on both sides of the aisle, have worked to minimize bad press against them this is a fact known to most of the planet. Now we have learned what length that the Clintons, specifically Hillary, will go to suppress bad press about them. I have not read the new Edward Klein book about Hillary Clinton and frankly had not made it a priority to read either. That being said, it appears that Hillary does have something to hide since she is calling in favors from the leftist MSM to have Klein’s appearances canceled.

The old saying about where there is smoke there is fire comes to mind in this case. I was curious if Hillary and Bill had used their considerable influence to kill stories in the past; after all, they have had their fair share of embarrassing events, from Bill playing “hide the cigar” to one of their closest friends “killing himself”. Seems that back in 1996 a FBI agent who had knowledge of the inner workings of the Clinton White House during its first months wrote a book detailing the total lack of security precautions at the direction of Bill and Hillary. At the Clinton’s direction and executed by George Stephanopoulos, the book was virtually ignored by the American press while becoming a New York Times Bestseller.

Later after the 9/11 attacks and Barbara Olsen’s death, her book on the Clintons, “The Final Days”, was released. The book while critical of the Clintons in their last days in office did not have any earth-shattering accusations or new “dirt” on Bill or Hillary. Yet the Clintons had one of their operatives approach Ted Olsen and suggest that the timing of the book’s release could have an adverse effect on his wife’s memory. The book was published despite the threat of the Clintons setting their smear machine loose on the memory of a woman who died in the attacks of 9/11.

Back in 1998 while the media was chasing stories of Rep. Dan Burton’s love child and Henry Hyde’s affair, they completely ignored reports that Bill Clinton had fathered a child out of wedlock after a brief affair with an African-American woman during his time as governor of Arkansas. The story was ready to finally break after being dismissed by the media because the Governor was not involved with a white woman, but Hillary made a phone call and the “problem” disappeared. Had this story broke and the sordid details of Bill paying this woman for sex over a period of time come to light then both Bill and Hillary’s careers would have been destroyed before they really started.

Interestingly back in the spring of 2001 Dan Rather gave us a rare glimpse in to the power that Bill and Hillary held over the media. In January of 2001, Bill Clinton had finally admitted to lying about affair with Paula Jones. Yet in the spring of that year, Dan Rather was telling the American people on the Bill O’Reilly show that, even after the former President had admitted that he lied under oath, Rather felt Clinton was an honest man. Was Dan giving us a preview of the attitude that would serve him during RatherGate and lead to his early retirement when he used to fraudulent documents to prove a point about his feelings towards President Bush’s Air National Guard service? Either way it certainly displayed a certain degree of unprofessional “hero worship” by Rather of Clinton.

Hillary has called in favors long before this incident with the Klein book. In the fall of 2001 just a mere month after the attacks of 9/11 and while the nation was still on edge from that horrible day, Hillary’s motorcade sped past a security checkpoint without offering a hint of identification and injured a Westchester County police officer. Yet I would bet a large sum of money that many of you on both sides of the aisle never heard about this incident. Around the same time, Oklahoma Congressman J.C. Watts had an altercation with a an airport security officer about a parking ticket and it was all over the MSM including the Los Angeles Times, the Arizona Republic, and the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. A Lexus-Nexus search of the Watts incident, which happen on October 7th, 2001, found no fewer the 21 news articles about the altercation. A similar Nexus-Lexus search on the Clinton story found only one mainstream media report in the Washington Times. In fact the same search on the Clinton incident just two weeks later revealed only two other links to the story, one was a web link to the original Washington Times online report and another to a brief mention in The Hill. The mention in The Hill was a short blurb about Clinton’s spokesperson explained how the incident was simply a misunderstanding of the new security measures put in place after 9/11. Funny how the media is either was scared to report on the Clinton incident or was told not to but Hillary’s people.

The latest push by Hillary, more so then Bill, to suppress what was widely being described as simply a books of lies and half-truths by both Democrats and Republicans less then a week ago makes one think that buried in that book, hidden among the obvious falsehoods might just be a small nugget of truth. After all Hillary and her people are working overtime to denounce the book and its award-wining author. The sudden cancellation of media appearances by Edward Klein has certainly raised some eyebrows. As I stated earlier, I had no plans to rush out and get the book and still do not but my interest level has risen slightly and a 30% off coupon at Borders might just change my mind.

The Clintons have a quite a few incidents that anyone would be embarrassed by and while I can understand their natural reaction to “pull strings” to kill certain stories but with the history these two have displayed during their public life and even when out of office, could we really trust a third Clinton Presidency? If the facts are allowed to come out, I think the majority of this country will decide not to put up with the “above the law” attitude that the Clintons have. After all, even the business analysts have sat up and taken notice of this blatant example of hypocrisy from Hillary Clinton. If we are to believe that Hillary Clinton is, the new poster girl for the Democratic Party then can expect the same sort of double-standard behavior from the rest of the left? Sadly the answer is that is has already begun and we can trace it’s roots as a party platform back far too many years for us to count my dear readers. Have a great day everyone.

Kerry's Form 180: The Blogburst Edition


Yes folks, it’s that time again. And guess what? After all the smoke and mirrors, the situation with Kerry’s 180 is pretty much the same.

While Kerry claims to have signed his 180, there are many of us who are still unimpressed. The Boston Globe seemed unimpressed also The records were: mostly a duplication of what Kerry released during his 2004 campaign for president, including numerous commendations from commanding officers who later criticized Kerry’s Vietnam service.

Not to mention that they were released to the guy who wrote his bio, for cripe’s sake.

Michelle Malkin aptly says “the spin continues“.

Marc Landers at USS Neverdock wonders what exactly the paper got:

…We need someone else to do a Form 180 request and we need to know if Kerry signed Part III of that form.

Mark Coffey at Decision 08 offers an alternative explanation: Maybe he did release the full records and he’s just the stupidest politician alive.

John O’Neill told Matt Margolis he has some questions about this, too.

We called for Kerry to execute a form which would permit anyone to examine his full and unexpulgated [sic] military records at the Navy Department and the National Personnel Records Center. Instead he executed a form permitting his hometown paper to obtain the records currently at the Navy Department. The Navy Department previously indicated its records did not include various materials.

This is hardly what we called for. If he did execute a complete release of all records we could then answer questions such as

(1)Did he ever receive orders to Cambodia or file any report of such a mission (whether at Christmas or otherwise);

(2) What was his discharge status between 1970 and 1978 (when he received a discharge) and was it affected by his meetings in 1970 and 1971 with the North Vietnamese?

(3)why did he receive much later citations for medals purportedly signed by Secretary Lehman who said he did not know of them;

(4) Are there Hostile Fire and Personnel Injured by Hostile Fire Reports for Kerry’s Dec. 1968 Purple Heart (when the officer in charge of the boat Admiral Schacte, the treating Surgeon Louis Letson, and Kerry’s Division Commander deny there was hostile fire causing a scratch) awarded three months later under unknown circumstances. ‘

Kit points out that the Form 180 gives you the option to get a “deleted” copy, which leaves out the reasons for separation and reenlistment eligibility code. Kerry must really think we’re stupid.

So here we go again.

For those of you who keep wondering why we’re pursuing this, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect someone who’s been a Senator for 20 years to tell the truth, and especially someone who ran for president on the platform that he is a war hero so he was “reporting for doody”. Even General Eisenhower didn’t do that.

I urge you all, write to Kerry, fax to kerry, protest his faux “release” and keep blogging away and use the “OHB” standard to beat the hell out of press and media outlets for shirking their responsibilities and thus further erode what little trust remains of an otherwise noble craft called journalism. I, for one, am not going to let this go. Civil servants own the public trust and should be worthy of it–they’re getting paid with our tax dollars. Traits like honesty should be the least of what we get from this–and we shouldn’t allow him to get away with this without a lot of noise in the blogosphere.

Remember, there are some serious questions about his “war hero” claims which would be set to rest if he’d just release the damned records like we asked. Now he’s doing a tap dance around the issue, and a sleight of hand.

There is evidence out there about the question of his discharge. Beldar Blog has a post up which shows the documentation -at Kerry’s campaign website and adds it up for us. So many questions still unanswered, Mr. Kerry, you slippery guy, you!

Join the blogbursts to help FREE Kerry’s 180 every Tuesday!

We’ve formed a blogburst group and here are the bloggers who are contributing so far. If you want to join the blogroll for Free Kerry’s 180, click here to email the boss, include the url for your blog. The blogburst is every Tuesday, so don’t forget to blog about it. All you have to do is encourage Kerry to set his 180 FREE, I’ll send you the code for the blogroll.

The more people we have, the merrier!

Aaron's cc
And Rightly So!
Atlas Shrugs
Balance Sheet
Cao's Blog
Cathouse Chat
Christmas Ghost
Civil Issues
Conservative Friends
doubleplusgood infotainment
Doughnut Holes
Euphoric Reality
Flight Pundit
Fundamentally Right
Furry Press
GM's Corner
Gribbit's Word
House Of Wheels
Infinite Universe
International House of Conservatism
Jackson's Junction
Jay Howard Smith
Kender's Musings
My Vast Rightwing Conspiracy
Pirate's Cove
Pooklekufr: The Kafir Constitutionalist
Power and Control
Private Radio
Progressive Conservatism
Ravings Of A Mad Tech
Republican Vet
Rottweiler Puppy
Shades of Gray
Something...and Half of Something
Stop the ACLU
Tall Glass of Milk
The Babaganoosh
The Creative Conservative
The Dark Citadel
The Paragraph Farmer
The Pulpit Pounder
The Sunnyeside Of Life
Think About It
Third World County
TMH's Bacon Bits
Uncle Jack
Villainous Company
What Attitude Problem?
Where's Your Brain?

Monday, June 27, 2005

WTF Friday, oops Monday Rant Volume 1 Issue 27

Just a slight delay to the usual round up of the wacky and weird. Enjoy the links and as always, the comments on each link are the opinions of this humble author and not fact unless otherwise noted. Have a great day everyone.

Now that Iran has had an "election", does seem like we are just that much closer to a showdown over their nuclear program?

What a way to start off the week. Ronald Reagan is the greatest American and the leftists must be pissed. Bill Clinton could not even beat "W" and the finals came down to two Republican Presidents, Reagan and Abraham Lincoln.

Ward Churchill is back and since he could not be fired for his 9/11 comments I guess he has decided to push the envelope and piss some more people off. Churchill is now calling for the "fragging" of frontline military officers by "conscientious objectors" who are already being forced to fight. Perhaps Mr. Churchill would feel differently if a student of his, who objected to his teaching, rolled a grenade into his classroom and "fragged" him. Freedom of speech is not free and if not for those brave soldiers, Mr. Churchill would not have the right to spew his seditious speech.

Looking to buy a house soon? You might want to give that a second thought is the below report has some truth to it. If the housing boom bursts it is going to make the dot-com collapse look like a kid's backyard tea party. Just some food for thought.

Microsoft is finally jumping on the RSS bandwagon. They plan to not only make reading RSS feeds a key feature in the upcoming Internet Explorer 7 but plan to include what they call "deep support" for RSS in the next version of Windows code-named "Longhorn". Well it is about time. Those of us that use Firefox, about half my visitors according to StatCounter, have enjoyed this feature since Firefox was a beta product. Way to read the tea leaves Microsoft.

OBL is hiding in Iran and according to Ken Timmerman that is the very least of our worries when it comes to Iran and their nuclear ambitions. I plan to read this book shortly so look for a review in the future.

At least part of New York seems to think that Hillary Clinton is a terrible Senator. My opinions on the High Priestess of Evil are well known so no need to pile on. Just a bit of advice, she had better worry about getting re-elected to the Senate before she "officially" sets her sights on the White House.

Say does that moon look a little big to you? If you answer yes then it is all in your head.

Hmmm, surveillance cameras with ears that can call the police when it "hears" gunfire. Freaking Brilliant!!!! The only surprise is that the ACLU has not protested or sued over this. Hell, the system is even going to be tested in San Francisco, and we all know what anti-police those people are.

The United States is going to start making plutonium again. Well we have to get it from somewhere and I am not sure we really want to continue to buy it from the Russians.

And finally yet importantly, beware of the Robots. Especially if you plan to rob stores in Japan. You knew it was coming sooner then later.

One quick programming note, I will have a more thought-provoking post later today. I am working on something sure to piss off the left as I once again point out their policy of hypocrisy.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Blogburst: Death to the ACLU

Constitutional Amendment Banning Flag Desecration & the ACLU's Opposition to It

For a couple of decades now, Congress has repeatedly attempted to pass a Constitutional Amendment banning the burning of our national flag. Until now, the chances of its passing have been nil. Yesterday, the House passed a bill banning burning of the flag by 8 votes. Now it's on to the Senate.

The ACLU has released a statement, "the House’s approval of the "Flag Desecration Amendment" a loss for freedom and an unwarranted assault on the First Amendment." And are Claiming, "Nationwide, there is growing opposition to this proposal. The First Amendment Center issued a survey in which 63 percent of those polled said that the Constitution 'should not be amended to prohibit burning or desecrating the American flag.'" source

Well as a Cold War Veteran, I am appalled every time I see the flag that I was willing to die for, desecrated by these liberal wackjobs that have the French mentality of capitulation to our enemies.

First off the symbolism of flag burning is related to the desire of the person or persons doing the burning of a wish that the same happen to the country whose flag is being burned. Think of it, who on an international scale burns our flag? Extremists who want to destroy America. Who burns Israel's flag? Islamic extremists who wish to exterminate Israel from the Earth.

So when one of our own citizens, burns our flag on the streets of a city in the United States, they are publicly calling for our destruction. And that angers me.

Liberals would have you believe that it's protected under free speech. You see, they really don't think that it's free speech. They really want the USA as it is today destroyed. It has been their goal to turn this nation into a socialist state since its founding in 1920.

Critics of my position point out that Baldwin renounced Communism. That is true. It happened when Germany and Stalin signed the non-aggression treaty. The ACLU even adopted a policy to not allow members who are members of the Communist Party. Several high ranking individuals were removed from the membership roles only to be reinstated after the war when the policy was revoked. source

And to further their communist cause, they will resort to anything. As stated in the 45 goals of the Communist Party entered into the Congressional Record on January 10, 1963:

  • 19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack. (To which they would include burning of the national flag.)
  • 42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.

Public discourse is a natural thing. Protesting unfavorable government policies is natural. And a Constitutional Right. But your exercising of your rights under the Constitution cannot interfere with my rights. And burning the flag offends me.

And if a visual offense can spark the ACLU to come to the aid of an atheist who is offended by a cross that is part of a memorial on top of a hill that's been there for decades, then why are they opposing my position. I'm offended. I want it stopped.

Ever since 1814, when Francis Scott Key wrote the Poem "The Star Spangled Banner," our symbol has been that flag. It is by nature a battle flag. Why? Because freedom comes at a cost. We are always at war. War against forces that are aimed at destroying us. And the ACLU is one of those forces.

Here is a list that I prepared for our members to draw source material from:


For more than a decade, the Citizen's Flag Alliance and others have expended seemingly endless resources lobbying candidates and members of Congress to pass a constitutional amendment giving the government the power to prohibit the physical desecration of the American flag. Civil libertarians have fought back hard, organizing coalitions of veterans, religious leaders and other Americans who believe that such a constitutional amendment would undermine the very principles for which the American flag stands.

While our fight against the proposed amendment has made headway in recent years, the margins of our victories remain precariously thin. Recent calls for patriotic unity threaten to bolster the cause of those who wish to protect the symbol of our freedoms at the expense of the freedoms themselves.

We urge you to read about the history of the flag amendment and why Americans across the country oppose this amendment. Then make your voice heard! (source)

· ACLU talking points on why this amendment is unwarranted and unconstitutional

· ACLU letter to the Senate opposing the flag amendment

· ACLU letter to the House opposing the flag amendment

ACLU Calls Flag Desecration Amendment Assault on Free Speech; Says Measure Fails Very Principles Flag Embodies (05/25/2005)

WASHINGTON - Noting that free expression and the right to dissent are among the core principles for which the American flag stands, the American Civil Liberties Union today strongly urged Congress to reject the reintroduced Flag Desecration Amendment. The House Judiciary Committee is considering that measure today.

House Votes to Amend Constitution Once Again; But Margin of Support For Flag Amendment Drops Again (07/17/2001)

WASHINGTON -- The House of Representatives today voted by a slim 8-vote margin to once again approve a controversial proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban desecration of the American flag. This year's vote was particularly noteworthy, the American Civil Liberties Union said, because the number of votes for the amendment dropped under 300.

Flag Desecration Amendment Marked Up in House Judiciary; ACLU Urges Opposition, Says American Strength Based in Tolerance (06/20/2001)

WASHINGTON - With the perennial flag "desecration" amendment set for yet another floor vote as early as next week, the American Civil Liberties Union is again urging lawmakers to oppose the misguided and dangerous proposal.

House Subcommittee Approves Flag Amendment; ACLU Says Patriotism Can Not Be Forced (05/24/2001)

WASHINGTON -- A House subcommittee today approved a proposed constitutional amendment that would prohibit "desecration" of the American flag. In response, the American Civil Liberties Union joined with veterans and reiterated its strong disapproval of what it calls a misguided and counter-productive initiative.

Flag Desecration Amendment Reintroduced; ACLU Vows to Renew Grassroots Campaign Against Measure (03/13/2001)

WASHINGTON - As proponents once again reopened their drive to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban desecration of the American flag, the American Civil Liberties Union today joined with veterans and urged members of Congress to reject the proposed amendment once again

From The House & Senate

1 . Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States authorizing the Congress and the States to prohibit the act of desecration of the flag of the United States and to set... (Introduced in House)[H.J.RES.5.IH]
2 . Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States authorizing Congress to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States. (Introduced in Senate)[S.J.RES.12.IS]
3 . Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States authorizing the Congress to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States. (Introduced in House)[H.J.RES.10.IH]
4 . Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States authorizing the Congress to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States. (Reported in House)[H.J.RES.10.RH]

Burning our flag isn't free speech. It is inciting violent destruction of our nation. And if the libs can't see that, they are mentally flawed.

Congressional Emergency

Urge passage of HR 2679, The Public Expression of Religion Act of 2005. What this bill does, is to remove the ability for the awarding of federal funds in order to recover legal fees in Constitutional challenges to the 1st Amendment's Establishment Clause. These suits are often taken pro bono. But once won, the attorneys are able to recover legal fees from the government.

We need to get groups like the ACLU off the Taxpayers' Dime. Call, write, or email your Congressman and Senators and urge passage of this bill.

Thank you Mudville Gazette

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst! If you would like to join, it is very simple.

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Some of The Sites Already on Board:

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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Full Monty Of News

We are so lucky to live in a time where information is readily available to the masses. There is no way I could read the 25 daily newspapers that I read each morning with the internet. In fact as recent as 15 years ago anyone it would have been impossible since quite a few of the online newspapers that I read are overseas. Got to love technology when it works eh? That said there is a ton of news kicking around the internet today so here is my short take on a few stories that caught my eye. Enjoy and have a great day everyone.

Bill Cosby preaches personal responsibility

If I were an African-American, I would thank God everyday for Bill Cosby having the courage to speak his mind and try to educate people to do the right thing. The sad part is that Mr. Cosby has been criticized in the past for speaking the truth about the issues, real and imagined, of African-Americans. Cosby recently told a group that if their Christian and living in the projects then they need to walk the walk and follow Jesus’ example of testifying to all, especially those living without hope. He also encouraged people to stop using their color as a disability and raise their children in a responsible manner. When the Cos is right, the Cos is right.

Mexican drug commandos expand ops in six U.S. states

As if the regular Mexican drug dealers and human traffickers were not bad enough, now comes word from the FBI that US trained commandos known as "Zetas" are expanding their drug and smuggling empire across six southern states. These “Zetas” were trained originally to combat the Mexican drug lords that operate along the US-Mexican border. The commandos flipped soon after their training, going to work for the northern Mexico drug cartels and then taking over the drug trade in a bloody coup. The FBI estimates that the group’s numbers have swelled to over 700 members across northern Mexico and the southern United States. Look for the United States to quietly deploy military units to the southern border in an effort to curb the violence that this group has begot.

Illegals raiding Valley crops

Farmers along the US-Mexican border in the Rio Grande Valley are now experiencing cross-border raids by Mexicans that are stealing produce to sell back in Mexico. Wow, that sounds like a sure act of a hostile government and not a country that pretends to be our ally. How much more of this kind of behavior are we going to accept from our government and the government of Mexico? It seems obvious to all that neither government cares to be bothered with this sort of border incursion. But where should the line be drawn, it’s ok to cross the border to steal food so is it ok to cross the border to steal cars or sell drugs? What will happen sooner then later is one of these farmers is going to shoot and kill a Mexican that has crossed illegally and is stealing the farmer’s merchandise. Do you think the death of a person trying to better their life is enough to garner the attention of the Mexican and US governments? Sadly, I do not think it will.

Anti-Syrian politician assassinated in Beirut

The Syrians have killed another pro-independence politician that stood in their way to forcing a return to Lebanon. How long before the Syrians, engineer a reason for a return of their army to Lebanon to “help” the poor Lebanese? The better question is what happens if the Syrians do go back into Lebanon, will the French live up to their partnership with the United States to ensure peace for the Lebanese? I will make the prediction that if needed the United States will place peacekeepers in Lebanon once more and once we stabilize the situation, the French will send in a meager force to assist. We will have to see how it plays out.

Kerry cautious on probing `Downing Street Memo', Kerry flip-flops once more.

When a junior staffer on John Kerry’s staff finally noticed the “Downing Street Memo” almost a month after it was released, John “effing” Kerry told us that he would scream from down on high that the Administration should provide a full accounting of the “information” in the memo. Now almost three weeks later John has once again done a flip-flop and failed to act upon one of his supposed convictions. And he wonders why he lost the election? It appears that the “information” contained in the memo is not quite the “smoking gun” that John Boy had thought it was and he is now in fact distancing himself from any mention of the memo or his pledge to get to the bottom of this issue.

Judges question use of Quran in taking oath

I am not sure how I feel about this one so I guess we will wait for a court ruling. I do not think anyone should be prevented from exercising his or her religion but if the legal precedent is to have witnesses sworn in on a Bible then that is the law and while it might make people feel uncomfortable or be offensive, it is the law. We are a nation of laws and while their might be a social responsibility to not offend people through speech or actions, there is no law protection against being offended by someone or something.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Por La Raza Todo, Fuera de La Raza Nada Or How Mexican Racists want to reclaim the American Southwest

Recently in the battle for immigration reform, a very ugly chapter has been opened and perhaps surprising to some, the pro-immigration camp has played the race card. That is not news you say, folks looking to reform immigration laws has been called racists for years. Ah but here’s the kicker, the racists in this case are those who want open and often immigration and include such groups as MECha, believers in Reconquista, and the new mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa. I will profile each of these horribly racist groups and their efforts to undermine the national security of this country with officially sanctioned illegal immigration from Mexico and beyond.

Let us start with MEChA and it’s newly elected Mayor of Los Angeles. Seems that the LA Times and other local newspapers were complacent in disclosing that Antonio Villaraigosa was at one time a member of the leadership of the UCLA chapter of MECha and has maintained ties to the group to this very day. In fact his ties to MEChA and it’s commitment to the concept of “Reconquista” have already made an appearance in his policies as mayor of Los Angeles, most notable is his support of Special Order 40 which prohibits police from making migration-related arrests even if the suspect is here illegally. Oh did I mention that Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamante is also a former MEChA groupie and has maintained his ties to the group as well. The only difference in my mind is that Arnold keeps Bustamante in check from acting out his racist agenda.

MEChA is an acronym for "Movimiento Estudiantíl Chicano de Aztlán" - Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan. The goal of Aztlan is the secession of the Southwest U.S.A., which it calls Aztlan. The MEChA Constitution clearly calls for "the struggle for the self-determination of the Chicano people for the purpose of liberating Aztlán". Another key document, "El Plan de Aztlan", states that "Aztlan belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans. We do not recognize capricious frontiers on the bronze continent....We declare the independence of our mestizo nation...Nationalism as the key to organization transcends all religious, political, class, and economic factions or boundaries. Nationalism is the common denominator that all members of La Raza agree upon.” The MEChA slogan "Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada" (Everything for the Race - Nothing outside the Race) –is an example of the group’s racist and how it defines everything they stand for. Source

It is clear that MEChA has no need for the rest of us and just want to be left alone to pursue their goal of establishing a racist community within the United States until the “Reconquista” is completed. Frankly when the scope of MEChA’s racism is considered, the only comparable examples that come to mind are the KKK and Nazi Germany. In fact, during the California recall election in 2003, Cruz Bustamante garnered an endorsement from a former Grand Wizard of the California KKK based solely on his membership in MEChA. It is no wonder that people are fleeing California in record numbers while illegals pour in across the border with Mexico. MEChA’s pursuit of unregulated immigration is irresponsible, dangerous, and works contrary to any and all efforts to secure this nation’s borders. If our government and more to the point, our President did not have his head up Vicente Fox’s rear end then perhaps MEChA would receive the terrorist group designation that they so richly deserve. What else would you call a group that is working towards the destabilization of local and state governments across the American Southwest?

The folks that follow the path of “Reconquista” are a varied bunch and can include anyone from the common Mexican-American who grew up hearing stories of how Mexico would reclaim the American Southwest to members of the current Mexican government. Below is a brief description of what “Reconquista” has come to mean today.

Some Mexicans and Mexican-Americans want to see California, New Mexico and other parts of the United States given to Mexico. They call it the “Reconquista,” Spanish for “reconquest,” and they view the millions of Mexican illegal aliens entering this country as their army of invaders to achieve that takeover. To an extent, they also have actual armed soldiers of the Mexican army, along with mercenaries from North Korea, Russia and other communist or former communist lands, and have already fired upon American Border Patrol officers and terrorized American ranchers. Source

Frankly, I am not sure that anything can be done about the “Reconquista” partisans other then reform immigration and make it much harder for illegals to enter this country regardless of where they come from or why they come here. The scary part is that quite a few folks in the current Mexican government honestly believe that the American Southwest, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and southern Colorado should belong to Mexico and will one day return to Mexican control. The interesting part is the way this anti-American separatist movement is so quick to play the race card yet as recent comments by Vicente Fox have demonstrated; Mexicans live in a much more racist society then exists in the United States today. Recently this Mexican form of racism made its way to Baldwin Park, California and was on display for all to see. After reading the article and doing some further research on that incident, it appears to me that this group of people is just as dangerous to our society as the KKK or any other hate group. In fact, since they campaign for the “Reconquista” of a large portion of the United States they should also be added to the governments list of terrorist groups.

The only way to prevent groups such as those mentioned above is to educate people, not meet them with violence. Show people who these groups are and what their goals are and the public will not tolerant their existence, law enforcement and politicians will be forced to deal with the threat that these people pose to this country and our national security through their stated goals. That being said, if you live in the Los Angeles area and have a mind to support a group such as Save Our State, there is a second rally to protest the monument at Baldwin Park on Saturday June 25 from 12pm to 2pm. If I lived in California, between looking to move, I would certainly attend this rally.

Folks, if you’re unhappy with the current trend of escalating illegal immigration and failure to secure our borders then please get involved at some level. The politicians in Washington will not act unless we force them to by placing public pressure on them to accept their responsibility to secure our borders and enforce the immigration laws already in place. As long as these groups exist and our borders are not secure this country is at risk for another terrible terrorist attack or over time the loss of a third of the country to the illegal and silent invasion from Mexico.