Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Unsung Heroes

I have been lax in my postings as of late, mainly due to the requirements of my new job and family. But rest assured that all changes today. I was without Internet for most of the day due to traveling but I did hear about the Abramoff case and I will comment on it shortly. Today I want to talk about the unsung heroes of our military and how they do their job without expectation of glory or riches. They just do their job and make something of their lives like countless of others before them have done.

In my new job I will have an opportunity to travel across this great national and meet all kinds of people. Every time I travel and cross paths with a member of our military, I do a couple of things. I ask them where they are headed and spent a few minutes talking to them about their service and most importantly, I thank them for their service to this nation. I thank them on behalf of my family and friends, and I thank them on behalf of the freedoms that we all enjoy. Hell, I even thank them on behalf of each and every person who seeks to trivialize the sacrifice that they and their family make every day.

Can I tell you that without exception every single service member that I have spoke to over the last 60 days simply tells me that they are just doing their job and it’s not a big deal. Not a big deal? I humbly beg to differ. It is an enormous deal to leave family and friends and serve your country in the defense of the ideals that it was founded upon. Of course our thoughts turn to service members that are directly in harm’s way in Iraq and Afghanistan, but every member of the military from the Marines guarding the United States embassy in France to Air Force Technicians in Alaska keeping an eye on the North Koreans deserve our thanks in equal measure as their brothers and sisters who serve in combat zones.

You might ask what brought on this glowing praise of the military; well I am going to tell you faithful reader. Two reasons spurred me to place fingers to keyboard this evening, the reaction of fellow travelers when I stop and thank members of the military for their service and the cowardice of one Jack Murtha as chronicled here. Most people either through their own shame or just not wanting to interact with their fellow Americans turn away or display looks of confusion when I thank service members and spend a few minutes speaking with them. That reaction literally breaks my heart because I know that most people are grateful for the service of our brave men and women in uniform but lack either the courage or moral conviction to act upon their innermost feelings. We used to be a nation of people who stuck to our beliefs but that seems to be passing as the Dodo bird passed from the Earth. We timidly accept the erosion of this countries core beliefs and look the other way as those who seek our destruction run rampant. Folks I have to say that enough is enough. Stand up and do what is right regardless of the consequences.

If you think we should honor and thank our military for their service then let them know when you come across them in your daily travels. If you think that the military is overrated and the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is wrong then speak your mind but do not ever forget where that right came from. Our right to free speech did not come from a journalist who broke a story or an ACLU lawyer who bullied a local, state, or federal government branch with a trivial lawsuit. That right is paid for in the blood, sweat, and tears of our brave men and women in uniform and it continues to be paid by the young and old of today’s service members. So if Jack Murtha wishes to express his self shame about a life of government service that includes honorable service in the United States Marine Corp then he should do so. He illustrates the freedoms that the military strives to protect and ensure for all Americans. So if Jack Murtha no longer has the moral courage to suggest military service then we need to know that since he serves at the pleasure of the folks from the great state of Pennsylvania. I will predict that Murtha will not run for another term but will instead retire before his constituents can vote him on his ass. I would also say that since Mr. Murtha does not feel that military service is no longer honorable in his opinion then perhaps he should just retire now and save everyone the trouble of having to like to his incessant whining. But he is more then entitled to his opinion and while he has lost his moral courage, I still thank him for his service to this country as a Marine and as a Congressman. I do think I am quite a bit more generous then his fellow Marines.

Folks, do this country a favor and thank someone for your freedom. Here’s a hint, the people to thank are the ones in uniform who quietly go about their business and do not seek publicity. Have a great day everyone and God Bless our men and women in uniform and this great country.

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