Saturday, November 20, 2004

This Ain't Your Father's PETA

So according to Peta now, I should not eat meat, chicken, or fish. Well, all the tree huggers from Peta can feast on dirt and twigs till the end of time. In honor of their new plan to save us from ourselves, I am going down to Outback and have my own feast.

Here's what I am ordering: Shrimp to start with, and for the main course, Surf and Turf. And as I sit there in my carnivore grandeur, I won't give a thought to the fruit and nuts crowd over at Peta.

For the record, I actually admire vegans for their discipline and health, but it isn’t for me. I am a meat-eater through and through so don't try to shove your nutritional beliefs down my throat, no pun intended. Enjoy the links below in all of their Peta glory, later..................


MaxedOutMama said...

Now you made me hungry....

You know, I tried being a vegetarian, and I ended up with nutritional problems. It really isn't for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Is that the same crowd who told me that the lice on my head had feelings and I should not kill 'em? Yes, I think it is the same group. Well I was miserable knowing the lil' buggers were up there eating into my scalp. So one day at the movie I got this here bright idea. I'd feed 'em a bucnh of popcorn and when they gots up to go get a Coke, I switched seat on 'em. No mo' lice. Honest that's the way it happened.


Anonymous said...

That's the spirit! Don't let some tree hugger tell you what you should and shouldn't eat. :)