Monday, October 25, 2004

Another Day, Another Lie to Get Elected

I know that most politicians regard the common voter/American as stupid, but John Kerry has demonstrated that he has really taken that stereotype to heart. The Senator has continued to make statements that are proved to be out and out incorrect or dare I say blatant lies.
His latest claim was that he is more in touch with the wishes of the UN, specifically the Security Council. He said during the second debate that he had a meeting with the Security Council and all members were present, not surprising since he worships at the altar of the UN and New World Order.

Today we learn that even the Pro-Kerry UN has had enough of the lies and falsehoods. The very folks would John was supposedly meeting with have come out and said that there was no meeting and all but one have never even met John Kerry. Does he or his handlers really believe that people are stupid enough to look past him being caught in another obvious lie? Once again John, you have proved exactly why you should not be President, much less a Senator. Now go sit in the corner and think about what you have done!

Enjoy the full article below, later..............

1 comment:

The Mad Tech said...

Gary, first thanks for your comments. Second, if you read this blog long enough, you will find that I am fairly independent politically. And last but not least, I will address your complaints about the President one by one. How's that for being fair?

1. The tax cuts, hmm, well you got me there but don’t you realize that the people who make the most money usually pay the most in taxes. In fact the top 20% of taxpayers in this country pay 80% of the taxes. What would you have the small business owners, venture capitalists and others that actually create jobs do? Pay 100% of the taxes so the rest of us can get fat and become lazy.
2. Ok, fighting AIDS in Africa, that’s a great goal. But frankly I don’t give a damn about Africa. Of course I have compassion for the victims of AIDS where ever they are as any Christian would, but that money that the President set aside to fight AIDS in Africa could have funded schools, border security, Medicare, or fighting AIDS here in America.
3. He supports the troops. Your right this one is shaky. The President has made every effort to equip our troops with what they need, but it’s been hard to close the funding gap that was voted on by John Kerry and put into practice by Bill Clinton. I have a brother in the 101st Airborne and they left all of their brand new equipment behind for the National Guard units that were replacing them, including their flak vests and armored hum-vees.
4. Jobs. Isn’t this the $64,000 dollar question? First of all, most economists if they are honest will tell you that the President has absolutely nothing to do with job creation. Never mind the fact that we had already slipped into a recession brought on by the Clinton policies of the 90’s, the attacks of 9/11, and fact that we are fighting a war.

I hope I have addressed your questions and while we may not agree on who should be President, I think we can agree that most politicians twist the truth and sometimes out right lie.

The Mad Tech